Useful Information and Latest News for Parents in Singapore! — Singapore RSS
Hotel Staycations Allowed in Phase 2 For Your Family | Singapore Reopening
On 3 July, Singapore Tourism Board (STB) allowed hotels in Singapore to resume staycations as long as they apply for permission from the government first. Here's a list of approved...
Collect Your NDP2020 Singapore Together Pack From 20 Jul 2020
Every Singapore Household will receive a NDP2020 Singapore Together Pack as part of the NDP2020 Celebrations. Collection will start from 20 Jul 2020. As we celebrate the Nation's birthday in...
NParks Giving Free Seed Packets To Encourage Home Gardening | Gardening With Edibles
Under the Gardening with Edibles initiative launched by the National Parks Board (NParks), interested households will be able to receive free packets of seeds to grow their own vegetables at home....
(UPDATED) Singapore School Holidays 2020 | Public Holidays and Long Weekends
As parents, we often need to plan our work and leave around the children's schedule, so here's an easy-to-use list of School Holidays, Public Holidays and Long Weekends in 2020 to help...
One Day in Singapore | 3 Different Itineraries with the Best Things to Do
Source Singapore may be reputed to be small and expensive and if you agree with that then you still have much to explore in Singapore! 1. Recoup with All Things...