The Latest and Most Exciting Kids Activities and Events for Families in Singapore! — Chamber Music and Arts Singapore RSS
Chamber Music and Arts Singapore returns with The Salon of Princesse de Polignac ~ Proust and his vignettes of Debussy, Fauré, Satie and Ravel
The production presents classical music, hands-on activities and fun stories in a single experience for children and families. Designed by Clarence Aw Venue: Esplanade Recital Studio, 1 Esplanade Dr, Singapore 038981Date: 23 Apr...
Chamber Music And Arts Singapore | Upcoming Family-Friendly Programmes In January 2022!
Celebrating an eventful year and its six-month mark as a newly registered charity, Chamber Music and Arts Singapore (CMAS) has lined up a series of interesting programmes in January 2022. Here's what...