7 Things for Kids to Explore with Google | AR Insects, Games, Movies & More!

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Educational and entertaining things kids can explore on Google search other than just search for information!

Google is as vast as the ocean and that means the possibilities are endless. Not only do we get to have a ton of information at our fingertips with just a tap of a button but we also get to explore the world and the things in it!

1. AR Insects in Google Search

AR Insects in Google Search

We’ve seen AR animalsdinosaurs, and now if you want to invite giant beetles or hornets into your living room without fear, Google has added 23 creepy crawlies to its AR Search results.

The full list of insects includes Rhinoceros beetle, Hercules beetle, Atlas beetle, stag beetle, giant stag, Miyama stag beetle, shining ball scarab beetle, jewel beetle, ladybug, firefly, Rosalia batesi, swallowtail butterfly, morpho butterfly, atlas moth, mantis, grasshopper, dragonfly, hornet, robust cicada, brown cicada, periodical cicada, Walker’s cicada, and evening cicada.

You’ll be able to see the AR insects by searching the name of the insect and selecting the “View in 3D” option. If you’re an Android user, you’ll even be able to hear the insects buzzing by you!

2. AR Anatomy & Microscopic Organism in Google Search

AR Anatomy in Google Search

You are not limited to visualizing animals, dinosaurs and insects in 3D, you can also view the human anatomy as well as tiny organisms in 3D! You can teach your little ones what’s inside mitochondria and show them what the human heart looks like.

3. Google Earth Voyager

Google Earth Voyager

With Google Earth Voyager, kids (and adults) will be able to see the world through a collection of map-based stories, whether it’s the old cobblestone streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico or a vibrant neighborhood in La Boca, Argentina!

4. Google Search Games

Google Search Games: PAC-MAN

Did you know that Google search has a few hidden retro games? If you want a few moments for yourself, you can keep your little ones entertained with games like Atari Breakout and PAC-MAN with a simple search on Google!

5. Google Arts and Culture

Google Arts and Culture

The Google Arts and Culture app puts treasure, stories and knowledge of over 2000 cultural institutions from 80 countries at the tips of your finger that you can go exploring with your little ones! Why would you want to leave your house when you can virtually tour an art gallery and dance with an AI from the comfort of your couch?

6. ‘After School’ with YouTube Kids

To help you keep your kids engaged, enriched and entertained, YouTube will also be releasing over 100 movies and specials as part of ‘After School’ with YouTube Kids from now until 31 August. 

From popular family movies and specials featuring The WigglesOggy & the Cockroaches and Paddington, to a collection of the best animated short films and educational specials, YouTube will surface these excellent movies and specials in the app’s “Shows” category, as individual videos as well as playlists.

7. Learn@Home

Learn@Home by YouTube

Not only is YouTube a great source of entertainment, but it’s also a great resource for learning and with Learn@Home little ones don’t have to search for long to find something edutaining. The site has a collection of resources and activities, spanning from math and science to arts, for different age groups.



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This article is prepared by

Malini Pannirselvam
Dedicated writer by day, avid reader by night, language fanatic all the time, and aunt to nieces and nephews every day

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